No matter the circumstance these general guidelines should always be followed when dealing with a trauma site clean-up job. As always, caution should be observed when dealing with any hazardous materials. Safety should be the number one concern when handling materials that could be hazardous to humans or the environment.
Restrict Access to the Area – The area of the job site should be taped off or signs should be put out to prevent public access.
Wear Appropriate Clothing – Appropriate clothing such as gloves, eye protection and other equipment, in accordance with the Exposure Control Plan, should be worn to prevent infection or contamination.
Separate Dangerous Materials – Sharp objects, such as broken glass, which may be contaminated, will need to be removed from the area and placed in a puncture-resistant container to be disposed of as medical waste.
Clean Hard Surfaces – Hard surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned with soap and water. Other disinfectants can be used, if needed, such as chlorine bleach. If an area cannot be cleaned, it may need to be disposed of and replaced.
Clean Personal Items – Personal items and items used in food preparation should be cleaned with warm water, soap and diluted chlorine bleach. If the item cannot be cleaned, it may be disposed of.
Disinfect Cleaning Supplies – Reusable mops and rags should be cleaned with warm water, soap and diluted chlorine bleach. Again, if the item cannot be cleaned it may be discarded.
Thoroughly Wash Hands – When the clean-up is complete, thoroughly wash hands and other exposed skin with soap and water.
Trauma clean-up should always be handled by professionals, this text exists purely for informational purposes. For any questions regarding trauma clean-up or our environmental remediation company, contact the FERRO C.R.A.S.H. team at 1-877-429-7760 today!
Please view the latest edition of FERRO’s digital flip book HERE for a brief overview of how the various areas of expertise and remediation services can benefit you.