In the environmental abatement / remediation industry a disturbing trend has been emerging. Since the requirement for all (relatively all) commercial and institutional properties to have a designated substance survey completed, it seems that property owners are starting to rely on these as a scope of work as opposed to hiring consultants to develop a proper scope of work for them.
This scenario is made even worse by the property owner handing the DSS over to a general contractor who is, generally, not up-to-speed on current industry requirements (as opposed to a professional environmental contractor) and is typically looking for the best price as opposed to what may be both legally and acceptable under the MOE, MOL or OSHA guidelines.
Abatement contractors are generally handed a DSS and a set of drawings, then told to “figure it out”; this doesn’t bode well for any of the parties involved. Misinterpretations, misread drawings or a lack of understanding of current regulations can lead to liability issues all around.
Cover yourself – make sure you have a disclaimer that ensures your clients’ understand that a DSS is NOT a scope of work and SHOULD NOT be relied on as such and by all means – use a professional abatement contractor!
Give us a call at 905-841-8108 and let us tell you how true professionals can keep you and your clients safe! Or visit us at for a detailed list of our industry leading services!