What Is Infection Control and How Should I Incorporate it Into My Work Zone?

What is Infection Control?

Infection control is the set of interventions required to prevent the transmission of disease-causing microorganisms from infected individual to other individuals and health workers. A practical rather than an academic sub-discipline of medicine, it is often a neglected part of the healthcare infrastructure. But as a measure for control of contagious diseases, it is extremely important and should be incorporated in every work zone.

Standard Precautions for Infection Control

Standard infection control measures should be applied at all times when working in healthcare facilities. Procedures that you and your crew should follow at all times include:

  • Washing your hands after any direct contact
  • Using protective equipment such as gloves and masks
  • Cleaning and disinfecting of equipment
  • Giving importance to environmental cleanliness
  • Appropriate disposal of hazardous materials

Infection control can and should be incorporated in every sector of healthcare – including construction projects. You can implement the precautions on your own and then encourage your colleagues to do the same.

Infection Control for Construction Work Zones

Infection control measures must be considered any time that construction activities are taking place in healthcare or long term care facilities. Preventing the transmission of construction dust and debris is of the utmost importance when working in areas with high risk patients, children or the elderly.

When it comes a construction zone, keeping the building occupants healthy requires more than a clean and tidy work area. Maintaining negative air pressure in the work zone is required to control the transmission of bacteria, spores and dust to patients. When a construction crew disrupts existing structures, removes ceiling tiles, demolishes walls or installs new materials, dust and debris can be released into the air, creating a hazard for all who live, work, or are being cared for in the facility.

This dust can worsen illness, or even be fatal to occupants. Therefore, managing the airflow in and out of construction work zones and adjoining areas is of the utmost importance.

It is essential to work closely with the management, administrative staff and technical staff of a healthcare facility to formulate an infection control strategy during periods of construction. A team of infection control experts will ensure that all people in your building are protected from infection-related concerns during renovation. Contact the Team at FERRO today for more information on our infection control standards for healthcare facilities.

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